Wednesday, September 3, 2008


I read in the Straits Times this morning about our persistent litterbugs...some of whom who are supposedly 'educated' folks who litter without care in cinemas. They believe its even a right to do if they were at The Raffles Longbar and casting peanut shells on the floor was a tradition. Well, its not a bloody tradition to cast your popcorn on the floor of cinema halls, you idiots!! Its just shows your breeding!! An engineer, no less, actually stated that she didnt like to 'take her litter out of the cinema because there were cleaners there to do it for her'. "After all its their job!" she claimed.
Well, Ms Engineer, who tidies up your home I wonder? I propose the following solution. Give the cleaners a week off work on full pay. Then when the cinema halls pile up with garbage so high that you can't see your favourite movie because of the mountain of popcorn blocking your view, maybe THEN you'll do something about it. Or maybe not, because in the time honoured tradition of most Singaporeans, all you'll do is complain that no one cleaned up after you! Just goes to show that we may have a really high literacy rate, we may supposedly have the 'best' education system in the world, it just doesnt seem to produce too many educated people!

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