Monday, September 22, 2008

New Rules

Bill Maher does a segment at the end of his talk show entitled "New Rules". I'm starting my own segment on New Rules tonight........

New Rule #1:
Millionaires should start paying for their own tickets!

An article on page 1 of the Straits Times today mentions that millionaires will be getting free tickets to the F1 race next weekend. Banks in particular will be sponsoring their wealthiest clients with free luxury hotel stays and free grandstand tickets. It kind of stands to reason that if you're a millionaire, you can afford your own paid ticket to the event and your own paid hotel room. So what exactly are you using your millions for then? Well, the banks hope, by paying for your ticket, that you'll just channel it back into the bank!!! I guess wealth begets wealth and greed begets greed.

In the middle of a massive financial crisis where the little guy who invests his hard earned retirement savings in mammoth financial institutions, the little guy who is now very likely losing that investment, because of the greed of these institutions, it appears to be that the fat cats are the ones coming out smelling like roses.

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